Part of the Microsoft Registered Refurbisher Program, the WCMS’s main activity is the refurbishment and recycling of computers. The computers, once refurbished, are for sale at affordable prices, to Centrelink recipients, charity organisations and non-profit organisations.
The shed also has a woodwork and metalwork area where members can carry out tasks which assist community based projects. Members make furniture for schools through the Buddy Bench initiative. Some items are also available for sale to the general public. More recently the teams have been undertaking made to order projects and furniture refurbishments for the general public.
In addition, there is a salvage area where electronic items not suitable for refurbishment are prepared for sale as recycled materials.
Our Services
Refurbished Computers
Our main thrust is the refurbishment of computers which are then made available at ultra-cheap prices to underprivileged people in the community.
Wood & Metal Works
Our workshop produces high quality wood and metal items, made to order pieces and furniture refurbishment to the general public.
Electronics & Appliances
We recycle and reuse unwanted cables, electronics and appliances where we can’t fix it for resale. We can arrange pick up from your home or office.
Opening Hours
Monday 8.30am to 1.00pm (Workshops)
Tuesday 9.00am to 2.00pm (Refurbishing and Recycling)
Wednesday 8.30am to 1.00pm (Refurbishing, Recycling and Workshops)
Thursday 8.30am to 1.00pm (Workshops)
Friday 9.00am to 2.00pm (Refurbishing and Recycling)
Computer Sales
Tuesday 10.00am to 2.00pm
Friday 10.00am to 2.00pm
*** Please note computer sales, pick up and return is only available during the specified hours. **