Welcome to our wood & metal shed
The Workshop
What we do.
Projects made to order for the general public.
All products are manufactured from recycled material. We source our material from a wide range of business, including wood from demolitions and left over roofing timbers from builders. Our skilled volunteers produce these high quality, custom products.
Our Past Projects
Cray Pots
Lage and small versions
Adult BBQ tables
Jarrah, stained or oiled
Park Benches
Pine or Jarrah, oiled, stained or painted
Old English Phone Boxes
To be fitted wih LED lighting
Outdoor Lanterns
To be fitted with LED lighting
Kids BBQ table
Sizes & colour customisable
Park Benches
Pine or Jarrah, oiled, stained or painted
Outdoor Lantern
Range of LED lighting in your chice of colours
Contact Us
To discuss your project and to find out how we can help, please visit us at our workshop.
Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays
1/31 Creative Way
Wangara, WA 6065