Our Mission, Vision & Values

Mission Statement

Be a place for nurturing mate-ship and creating feelings of belonging 
Have a structured program for advancing Men’s health and well being 
To develop a positive and participatory culture among its members
Meet the needs of its members and their families 
Be supported by members’ families 
Generate sufficient income to be financially independent
Be a valuable, respected and supported asset in our local Community
Have appropriate activities supported by a health, safety and welfare program
Have effective partnerships within the Community 
Be a place for learning, inclusive of all Men and for all ages


To address the issues of Men’s physical, emotional & social Health in the Mornington Community
To engage Men of all Ages in the Mornington Community
To support Men in a friendly and non-judgemental way
To share, promote and preserve the skills, abilities and interests of all Men in our Community


Sincerity and devotion to the improvement of Men’s Health
Honesty and integrity in all of our activities and projects
Responsiveness to the needs of Men, their families and their local communities
Wisdom in applying technology and innovation to assist Men in their everyday lives
Respect for the value added by teamwork and participation to life-long learning
Appreciation of the value of contributions by Friends, Partners and Sponsors 
Responsibility and generosity in giving back to our Local Community